High temperature cartridges for the removal of contaminants from hot gaseous media for the Powergen industry.
Different contaminations and temperature ranges require a different separation approach and we therefore have various solutions to offer. VoTech manufactures a large variety of fine filter cartridges and coalescing cartridges with fine filter cartridges and coalescer cartridges different filtering media for use in natural gas up to 1000°C.
VoTech high temperature
cartridges are qualified by various renowned turbine manufacturers
worldwide. We manufacture specialized cartridges and coalescers for
use in temperature ranges until 120 °C, 170 °C, 240 °C, 870 °C up
to 1000 °C. We cooperate with well-known experienced engineering
companies that have been supplying high-quality filters and
separators for many years to these turbine manufacturers.